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Tattoo removal

With the Pico Second Laser, we remove tattoos regardless of their size, colour or depth. Safety comes first!

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Your safety comes first

Tattoo removal with the Pico Second Laser

At Elit Beauty & Cosmetics, we understand that sometimes tattoos no longer suit you. That’s why we have a solution: the Pico Second Laser. Below, we briefly summarise the benefits of the laser for you:

Our advanced laser minimises the risk of side effects such as scarring and pigment changes.

Throughout the process, you can expect a professional approach and expert guidance from us. As every tattoo is unique, we create a personalised treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs. We aim for the best results and put you at ease during each session.


Ready to say goodbye to a tattoo you are no longer happy with? Then contact us and find out how we can help you with the Pico Second Laser.

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Price list tattoo removal

  • Lasering one to five points €20.00
  • Tattoo up to 5 cm €50.00
  • Tattoo up to 10 cm €70.00
  • Tattoo up to 20 cm €85.00
  • Tattoo up to 35 cm €100.00
  • Tattoo up to 50 cm €120.00
  • Tattoo up to 75 cm €150.00
  • Tattoo up to 100 cm €180.00
  • Tattoo up to 150 cm €200.00